
Thank you for visiting "Write On!" My goal is to share information that is relevant to both parents and their children. Let me know what you think and share this blog with your friends!

About Me

I am a mother of two adorable children and a freelance author and educational writer. Being a parent is one of the most rewarding parts of my life. As a result, I love to write for both children and parents providing information that is both relevant and useful.

I have written seven educational books for teens and tweens including "Peanut Butter, Milk and Other Deadly Threats: What You Should Know About Food Allergies," which won a National Science Teachers Award. I also have authored a book about teen abuse ("Beyond Bruises") -- a subject I am passionate about. In fact, linked to this blog, you will find an educational blog about the issue.

Basically, because I love sharing information with other parents (especially regarding literacy), I look for every opportunity to do that. I have written for eHow, parenting magazines, blogs and any other outlet I can find!