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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Changing Lives

Today, January 21, is National Thank Your Mentor Day and I thought it was the perfect way to begin my blog for 2010. Take some time today to think about the mentors in your life and post a tribute to them. You can post your comments on this blog, send your mentors an e-mail, call them or even write them a thank you note. Many times, people speak into our lives without even realizing it and it is good to let them know how they have impacted you.

For instance, here are some the positive words spoken to me as a young person that I cherish still today – I remember my mom and dad telling me that I could accomplish anything if I set my mind to it. Those words encourage me as much today as they did when I was trying to set a new record in track, studying for a hard exam in college or attempting to land that really awesome job. I also remember my physics teacher Mr. Kern telling me I could be one of his top students if I just applied myself – These words echo in my mind when I begin to doubt myself or think I am not smart enough to accomplish something. Mr. Kern saw something in me I could not see and I am thankful for that. Or what about my English teacher Mr. Thacker who steered me away from theater and toward a career in communications because he saw that my creativity was stronger in writing than it was in acting? (Thank goodness for Mr. Thacker. I have never regretted becoming a writer!) – Now it's your turn. Post a tribute to your mentors or anyone who has spoken into your life!

Finally, in the spirit of mentoring, I want to challenge all of us to look for ways to speak into another person’s life today. For instance, did you know that more than 17 million young people between the ages of 10 and 18 are at risk for not living up to their potential? You don’t need to devote hours of time to speak into someone’s life -- everyone has something to offer and everyone can find a way to impact another …. For instance, can you give an hour a week to volunteer at your local school? Can you work in Children’s Ministry at your church? Volunteer for your favorite organization? What about speaking into the lives of your kids’ friends? Or spending time with your nieces and nephews? What about the couple with the struggling marriage – can you take their kids for a day? Let the young ones around you know what is special about them and someday, years later, on National Thank Your Mentor Day, you could be the one being honored. But even more important -- you will have helped someone reach their potential.